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ALTA’s Donations

ALTA has more than 30 years of experience in serving the full range of the language services market. In that time we have recognized the need and importance of language and cultural services in fostering communication among diverse peoples and cultures. We have profited from assisting this communication and now place our contribution efforts on non-profit, charitable and educational organizations that focus on this same area.

AIDs Walk Atlanta

In addition to participating in the Southeast’s largest fundraising event for AIDS research, AIDS Walk Atlanta, we contribute products and services that we feel provide the greatest value to the non-profit, charitable and educational organizations we select.


Among the various organizations ALTA supports and strongly encourages others to support is Friends-International. With projects in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Honduras, Mexico, Egypt, and Myanmar, Friends-International works with marginalized children and youth to help make their communities more productive. You can donate directly to the organization by clicking here.

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