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ISO Certified Quality System

After providing translation and interpretation services for more than three decades, ALTA has developed a rigorous approach to ensuring quality. In 2011, we took our commitment to quality to the next level and applied for ISO 9001:2015 certification for our translation quality management system. ALTA passed the compliance audit with zero nonconformities, a feat achieved by fewer than 5% of the companies that pass their initial registration. We did the same in 2014 for our interpretation quality management system. In 2022, we added language testing to our quality system.

ISO 9001:2015 TUV SUD

ALTA’s ISO Certified Quality System

ALTA’s Quality Management System outlines a clear path to quality translation, interpretation, and testing work, beginning the moment an assignment or test is requested up to completion of the work. The QMS requires ongoing commitment from translators, interpreters, project managers, evaluators, test developers, and upper management.

Our Process

As part of this process, we are constantly looking for ways to improve ourselves. We strive for high-quality services and a high level of customer service. ALTA’s translation, testing, and interpretation teams hold regular audits to review our performance in all of these areas. We place tight restrictions on translator, evaluator, and interpreter selection and continuously monitor performance. Through this process we have developed a robust team of some of the most skilled linguists in their fields, many of whom have been working with ALTA for more than a decade.

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