ALTA Language Services has been asked by your organization to determine the language skills necessary to perform certain jobs. One of the jobs that we need to learn about is the one that you perform or you supervise
The way that we learn about the language requirements for a particular position is to gather information from people who are currently performing the job requirements. You know better than anyone about the ways you use language on the job. Often we focus on the use of a particular target language, such as Spanish or English. In order to collect information from you, we ask a specific set of questions designed to elicit information about language use.
We are not trying to make language experts of you; rather, we are trying to make use of your professional expertise and apply it to our existing process for determining language proficiency. We provide the questions in advance so that you can offer a thorough and considered answer. This is not a test; do not worry if some of the questions seem difficult to answer.
The answers you provide are combined with the answers of the other survey takers, and we analyze the group of responses to get a full picture of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for completing the job tasks. With what we learn from you and others, we can define the level of language proficiency needed to perform the job.
For the purposes of this survey, “client” may refer to clients, customers, team members, or others with whom you interact in the target language.
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